Medical Malpractice Insurance

Do You Need Medical Malpractice Insurance as a Healthcare Professional?

If you are a healthcare professional, medical malpractice insurance is essential to protect you from claims of medical negligence, injury, and death. Doctors are not the only practitioners who can benefit from medical malpractice insurance. This type of insurance also covers:

    • 1. Physician assistants
    • 2. Nurse practitioners
    • 3. Nurse anesthetists
    • 4. Registered nurses
    • 5. Licensed practical nurses
    • 6. Nursing students
    • 7. Optometrists
    • 8. Physical therapists
    • 9. Personal trainers
    • 10. Yoga instructors

With the amount of malpractice litigation and false claims today, you can’t afford to work without the right insurance to protect you, your assets, and your practice.

What Does Medical Malpractice Insurance Cover?

As well as protecting you from claims of clinical mistakes or negligence, including those resulting in patient death, typical medical malpractice insurance covers you for:

    • 1. Legal and trial expenses – lawyer fees, court fees, and expert witnesses, plus arbitration and settlement costs
    • 2. Good Samaritan acts – aiding someone outside your workplace
    • 3. Charges of sexual abuse or misconduct – unless the accusations are proven correct


There are two basic types of medical malpractice insurance. “Claims-made” coverage applies when both the treatment in question and the filing of a lawsuit occur while the malpractice insurance policy is active. “Occurrence” policies can cover events that take place even after the policy lapses. With claims-made coverage, practitioners can purchase “tail” coverage that extends protection after a policy ends, such as when joining a new practice or retiring.

Get Personalized Service from Our Independent Insurance Agents

Every medical malpractice insurance policy is different. Our independent agents at Circadian can help you select the right coverage for your unique practice needs. Your policy details and cost will depend on your licensing, specialty, experience, and past malpractice claims history. You may also wish to add related coverage for cyber liability and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) violations.

We can also speak with you about group coverage for your private practice, as well as vicarious liability coverage. This protects you if medical personnel in your employ are accused of malpractice.

Don’t risk losing your assets, your practice, or your reputation with a claim of medical malpractice. Call us at 925-417-8500, or start a quote online. Reach out today for the protection you need and the personalized service you won’t find with big insurance companies.

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