Wildfire Home Insurance

Have You Struggled to Find Home Insurance Because of Wildfire Risk?

California has been severely challenged by wildfires in recent years. Fires are burning thousands of acres at a time, and the fire season is getting longer and longer. If you have struggled to find home insurance that covers wildfires, or if you have lost your previous home insurance due to living in a high-risk wildfire area, you’re not alone.

As independent agents at Circadian, we have access to California wildfire home insurance you won’t find with big insurance companies. We save you the hassle of looking everywhere only to be turned down or quoted monthly premiums that cost more than your entire mortgage payment. We can find you home insurance options that cover damage and loss from wildfire, even if you live in an area with low brush clearance, forested areas, or nearby canyons.

What Factors Are Considered with Wildfire Home Insurance?

If you’re seeking wildfire coverage for your home insurance, insurance companies will look at a variety of factors:

    • 1. Your home’s proximity to brush, forests, canyons, and either active or recent wildfire areas
    • 2. Wind and weather patterns near your property
    • 3. Distance of the home from the nearest fire station and water source
    • 4. Accessibility of the property
    • 5. Your home’s position relative to slopes
    • 6. Roofing materials
    • 7. Public Protection Classification (a scale of fire risk)
    • 8. Fire-line Score (used by some insurance companies in risk assessment)
    • 9. SHIA (Special Hazard Interface Area) in danger of windborne embers

Some also consider things like fire suppression systems, defensible space (cleared land around the property), and other factors that may mitigate fire risk.

What Does Wildfire Home Insurance Cover?

Like other homeowner policies, wildfire home insurance covers the usual elements, including the need for reimbursement due to wildfire:

    • 1. The main structure of the home
    • 2. Additional structures on the property (detached garages, barns, sheds, etc.)
    • 3. Personal property and furnishings in the interior of the home
    • 4. Liability if someone is injured on your property

It also provides loss of use coverage, sometimes known as alternative living expenses. This is particularly important with wildfire coverage because you may wind up displaced from your home due to smoke, water damage, no utilities, fire damage, or loss. This part of your coverage pays for you to live elsewhere while your home is repaired or rebuilt.

We will work to find you a wildfire home policy that meets your needs. Sometimes, we suggest insurance through the California Fair Plan (CFP), plus DIC (difference in conditions) wrap-around coverage. The California Fair Plan was developed to provide home insurance coverage when other options are not available but homeowners desire protection and their mortgage lender requires it.

To learn more about wildfire home insurance for your property, call us at 925-417-8500, or send us an online message requesting a quote or more information. Don’t let your home go without the coverage you deserve, even if you are in a higher risk zone. Reach out today. You’ll appreciate our personalized service and ability to find options you didn’t know were open to you.

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